Send birthday and anniversary information through this form!

    Please do not send birthdays/anniversaries more than 14 days in advance!
    Birthdays and anniversaries sent more than 14 days in advance - will not be posted and you will have to resubmit the information. Birthdays and anniversaries sent less than 4 days in advance - might not get posted in time!
    Please be thoughtful in what you send, the idea is to recognize an important day - not to hurt feelings!   
    Thank you for using!

Justin A. Example - Clinton
R. U. Pictureless - Shirley
How to send a picture.

Your name (first &

Your e-mail address:

Birthday person's
name (first & last):

Anniversary person's
names (first & last):
Birthday or
anniversary date:
Month: Day:
City/Town where the
person(s) live:
    If you would like to include a message to go with your submission, enter the text below. This message will be placed on the web site. If you would like the person (and the rest of the world) to know who posted this to our web site, include your name in the "Message" box, along with your message.
Sending a picture: