Classified Ad With Picture Option
    Three steps to putting your picture ad online:
1.   Send the text - use the online submission form, e-mail, or regular mail.
2.   Send the picture - use e-mail, or regular mail.
3.   Mail $5.00 (and any ad material you don't submit electronically) to:, P.O. Box 70, Clinton, AR  72031
  •     We will scan the picture in for you, if you don't have the capability.
  •     Pictures can be color, black and white, drawings etc.  The better the quality, the better the result.  We can resize pictures if necessary.
  •     You can e-mail a picture to:  Include your name and phone number, so we know which ad it goes with.
  •     Pictures and other ad material can be mailed to;, P.O. Box 70, Clinton, AR 72031.  Be certain to include your name and phone number with all materials.
  •     You can use a combination of e-mail and regular mail; send the text using the online submission form and picture by e-mail, send text by using the form and picture by regular mail, or send it all by regular mail.
  •     Pictures, sent electronically or on disk, can be in; tif, jpg, gif or bmp format.
  •     If you send us a picture and ad information electronically, we will stop displaying the ad if payment is not received within four business days of ad submission.
  •     If you send pictures by regular mail, and would like them back; send a stamped, self-addressed envelope they will fit in - or they won’t be returned!  We are not responsible for damaged, lost or non-returned items.
  •     Make certain you have the right to use any pictures you include - you are responsible for any copyright violations.